The Substack Marketing Plan for Fiction

Substack isn’t designed for fiction, but I’ll give you a marketing plan that uses Substack as it is, turns its weaknesses into strengths, and hunts for readers who are primed to react to the core themes that run through your body of work.

I’m Thaddeus Thomas. My degrees are in Psychology and Human Services. I’m a self-published author, former president of the local Literacy Council, and I ran the online fiction critique forum, Better Fiction, for over half a decade back in the 00’s.

When he was still alive, my entrepreneur father would always encourage me to build a marketing plan for whatever I sought to do, and I never understood a word of it. He’d say, “Marketing isn’t just advertising!” But all I’d hear was advertising, because telling me what marketing wasn’t didn’t tell me what it was.

Now I know, and I want to walk you through it. You begin here, but you’re going to need a paid subscription to read it all. Here’s the good news. Subscribe for free, and I’ll upgrade you for long enough that you can read it all. There’s no reason not to.

Subscribe to The Literary Salon: Radically Independent Author!

Thaddeus has "developed a marketing plan that actually hunts for readers." -- Xavier MacFarlane, author of The Not-Yet-Novelist


fantasy author • Words my subscribers associate with me: Generosity. Kindness. Marketing. Thoroughness. A desire to understand the “Why?” • I'm sharing everything I learn about turning being an author on Substack into something profitable.