Thank you, this is all good stuff. I've been slow-motion relaunching my self-publishing career for a couple of years now, clambering over & through roadblocks that the so-called real world keeps putting in my path. But, Fred willing, sometime in the next couple of months I will (at long last) publish new editions of my 4 existing books in ebook & paperback (including new editions in Spanish) & make them widely available, including directly from me.

My newsletter, Sundman figures it out!, is very much along the lines of your "Right Reader Method." I've published about 70 essays over the last 20 months & have ~2.1k subscribers. (About 1/3 of subscribers came by way of Bookfunnel.)

A little while ago I wrote a post for Jane Friedman's blog that you & your readers might (or might not?) find of interest: "Lessons from 23 years as a self-publishing novelist."


I look forward to participating in this community. I'm off now to check out Bookmotion.

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I look forward to getting to know you!

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70 new subscribers in a day!

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It’s a positive new development—or one of many. Okay to come along for the ride! But

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Oops no but intended

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Sep 14Liked by Thaddeus Thomas

I've created a payhip account, but I still need to do something with it.

I'm still thinking about bookfunnel as a way to create a secondary mailing list.

You're giving me too many options, which isn't bad (I don't have enough time to work through all of them.)

An all-in-one solution would be helpful.

I'm a writer, not a marketer. (Sorry, I stole your schtick, Bones, but it's true.)

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Submit your reader magnet to Bookmotion while it's still in free beta. Assuming I can attract paid users later (at a good savings compared to Bookfunnel) or advantage will be drawing readers through Facebook ads. This gives us the potential of drawing in people new to newsletters.

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Sep 14Liked by Thaddeus Thomas

That'd be great. I don't know what to use as a reader magnet: a short story, a chapter, one of my themed entries, or even a character bio or two.

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For fiction, you want to give the most you can. A complete book of you have one.

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You can reserve a spot and use it when you're ready

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