I enjoyed this piece, and it was very informative, as I was just wondering about Followers and what it means. Now I understand. Thank you.

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My pleasure. I’m glad it helped answer your question. Might I recommend postop.substack.com to you? We’re building communities to help support non-fiction Substacks. Would Wrestling fall under culture? I’m pretty sure you’d be the first of your category, but you’d be there when a community grew up around you, supporting one another’s efforts.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I think pro wrestling can be hard to define sometimes in terms of giving it a category. I have it under sports because it seemed most appropriate based on the options, but would have tagged it as entertainment as well if that was available as I think depending on who one talks to they might make the case for either category. How does a community within postop work? Is it like a sub bulletin board for writers in the same category to communicate ideas directly based on a conversation thread topic?

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We're mostly just sharing posts for one another to read and share. A little boost to help get noticed. It's early days though. We'd have to start a new category for you and try to bring in others

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Sounds good. Look forward to it.

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