
I really like this—the connection to narrative, and especially the liberal use of cutting the excess. Brevity and clarity are critical for non-fiction on Substack, imo.

I've been following closely as you've delved into non-fiction stuffs, and seen the metamorphoses as your posts go from long-ramble-esque to "I wrote this before, but it was too long so here's a better condensed version" to this new stage. It's just fun to observe. And you are getting better, in case you were wondering.

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Thank you. It's a journey.

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Thanks for the idea to duplicate drafts (and name them) before going through the next stage. I’ve done that with my novel, but hadn’t considered that for Substack newsletters!

Also, name idea for you, to keep with your theme: egg, hatchling, chick, pullet (teenage chicken), hen. This website has a good description for each stage: https://www.chickenknows.com/life-cycle-of-a-chicken/

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That's awesome! Thank you!

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